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  5. Report-1856, April 24

Shawnee Manl. Labor School

   The Committee appointed to examine and report on the subject brought before the Board by the Rev. Thomas Johnson, pertaining to Mission property known as the Shawnee Manual Labor School, beg leave to report

   After a careful and patient examination of the whole subject submit the following having examined the fourpropositions made by Bro Johnson, (from reasons satisfactory to us) we could not consent to any one of them, but finally the following proposition was made by the committee and agreed to by Brother Johnson—: 1st. That one section of land hereafter to be determined upon in point of locality shall be secured to Brother Johnson in considerations of services & expenses, rendered and incurred by him in securing this grant of land to the Missionary cause.

   2nd. We agree to sell to Bro Johnson a second section of the land, including the residence of the superintendence at present. The two sections shall be described by meets and bounds as follows— 1st. the three fractional quarter quarter sections adjoining the state of Missouri. 2nd That part of the reservation lying north of the territorial road which runs between the Supt. dwelling—and the boarding house, & 3rd that portion of the reservation lying west of the 10th Section.

   3 For and in consideration of this second section of land transferred to Brother Johnson together with the house in which he lives, Bro Johnson agree and bind himself to pay the purchase price of the whole grant of land with all cost and charges now known or which may hereafter be developed, and to protect the Missionary Society of the M. E. Church South from all and every cost or charge growing out of the original contract. Should the school continue under the present contract with the government the purchase price shall be paid in tuition, but in the event that the contract be annuled at any time, leaving balance unpaid by tuition, in that case Bro Johnson shall pay said balance in cash.

   4. Having learned that the buildings on the section retained by the Missionary Society are now in a delapidated condition and that repairs will have to be made upon the farm retained and that these repairs are necessary should the school be continued for any length of time and as the society is not in condition to appropriate funds for said repairs, we agree to transfer to Bro Johnson the personal property of the Institution estimated at $2660 with the understanding that this sum is sufficient for all necessary repairs of both buildings and farm, and should the school continue to the end of the contract with the government said Johnson is to keep up the buildings and farm in good repair without any future charge upon the Society, and as the contract may be annuled before the 10 years shall expire, Bro Johnson shall keep a faithful account of the repairs made so that any portion of this amount not consumed by repairs may be estimated, and the same shall be paid back to the Missionary Society by Brother Johnson in cash, but that in no case shall the Missionary Society be at any further cost or expense during the continuance of the contract with the government. —

   …It will be seen by an examination of this survey that the section retained by the society embraces the school buildingorchard—and a large portion of the farm with just proportions of timber & water and is as compact a farm as could be desired.

H.N. McTyeire

April 24: 1856

   Said Johnson further agrees that should the contract be annuled before the close of the Contract with the government….

[Photostat copy in MSS. Dept., K.S.H.S.]

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