Transcribed report on the activities of the Indian Manual Labor School from E.T. Perry, Superintendent Manual Labor School to T. Hartley Crawford, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City dated Jun…
Transcribed report on the activities of the Indian Manual Labor School from J.C. Berryman, Superintendent Manual Labor School to T. Hartley Crawford, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City dated Jun…
Transcribed letter from E.R. Ames, Corresponding Secretary, Methodist Missionary Society to T. Hartley Crawford, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City, D. C. dated Jan 25, 1844 . Greencastle Indiana January…
Transcribed report of allowances that should be made to the Methodist Society for support of the Manual Labor School dated 1843 . [1843] according to the returns the following allowances…
Transcribed description of the Manual Labor School dated 1843 . [1843] Our school is gradually assuming a more permanent character and gaining upon the confidence of the Indians…
Transcribed description of the Shawnee Methodist Mission from R.W. Cummins, Indian Agent, Fort Leavenworth Agency to D.D. Mitchell, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, St, Louis, Mo. dated 1842, and submitted along…
Transcribed letter to Major R.W. Cummins, Indian Agent, Fort Leavenworth Agency from J.C. Berryman, Superintendent Manual Labor School dated Aug 15, 1842 . Ind M. L. School Aug 15th 1842…
Transcribed letter from R.W. Cummins, Indian Agent, Fort Leavenworth Agency to Colonel Wm. Medill, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City, D. C. dated Mar 10, 1846 . Fort Leavenworth Agency…
Transcribed report on the activities of the Indian Manual Labor School from J.C. Berryman, Superintendent Manual Labor School to Wm. Medill, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City dated Dec 31,…
Transcribed letter from R.W. Cummins, Indian Agent, Fort Leavenworth Agency regarding support of the Indian Manual Labor School by various tribes dated Apr 10, 1844 . [April 10, 1844] …