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  5. Letter-1864, December 12

Paola Kansas Dec 12th 1864

Hon. R.T. Van Horn
Jefferson City Mo

Dear Colonel.

   Enclosed I send you a letter which I received yesterday from Alex. Johnson at Shawnee Mission Kansas. A clique of thieving rascals last winter set their heads to work to steal from the Johnsons the Mission estate which if succesful would ruin them. They procured a treaty to be made asking for a reversion of the property in question on the ground that the Methodist Church South (to whom under the treaty of 1854 the land was granted) are disloyal. Be this as it may the Church disposed of their interests in the estate long before the breaking out of the rebellion and in fact the grant was originally made for the benefit of the Johnsons though for the purpose of evading some objections of the Interior Department it was made to the M. E,  Church South who immediately transfered to the Johnsons they reimbursing the Church for the actual out lay made by it in the erection of the buildings &c. The amount so paid to the Church by the Johnsons was some $18,000   The treaty providing for the reversion of the property was defeated or rather tabled through the interest taken in the matter by the Missouri Delegation   Senator Lane engaged the Confirmation of the treaty supposing the Johnsons to be disloyal but is now willing I am told to retrace his action upon receiving assurances from the proper quarters that the Johnsons are loyal men.

   Of Alex’s loyalty I need say nothing, He has recently as a Lieut Col of Kansas Militia participated in the Battles of the border exposing his life for our cause. For three years he has placed the property in question at the disposition of our troops as quarters Hospitals &c, without charge to the government and he has always opened his gardens and farm for the supply of fruits and vegetables to our sick.

   Of Thomas Johnson father of Alex I can say this much   During the time that I was stationed at Westport and vicinity a period of nearly eighteen months I ever found Mr. Johnson a reliable Union Man   I frequently received from him information of the most important character which would have cost him his life and property had the Guerrillas known of his communication with me. On one occassion I was able to save the life of a loyal Citizen of Jackson Co about to be assassinated by George McGuire and other Bushwhackers by taking advantage of information given by Mr. Johnson. He was for a long time a fugitive in Kansas to save his life threatened by the men last referred to for giving me information of their movements and being connected with the Jackson County Union Association. For these reasons I can conscientiously endorse Mr. Johnson as a loyal man and if upon the strength of my endorsement in addition to your own knowledge of him you can enclose the asked for certificate you will not only do an act of justice to a worthy man but will assist in defeating a vile conspiracy to rob him of his property.

With sentiments of high esteem
Very Respectfully yours
W.C. Ransom
Major, 6th Kansas Cavalry

[Photostat copy in MSS. Dept., K.S.H.S.]

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