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Washington Apr. 20/65

an endorsement

The President of the U. S.

Refers letter of Messrs Lanahan & Nadal of M. E. Church, and directs that patent for Shawnee Mission land be withheld till he can have an interview with Secy. of the Interior.

[Photostat copy in MSS. Dept., K.S.H.S.]


[Enclosures: on April 20, 1865, a series of memos, endorsements, and letters were exchanges relating to the M. E. Church requests to delay the issuance of a land patent to the Thomas Johnson heirs. They are:

J.P. Usher John to John Lanahan/B.H. Nadal;

James Mitchell to J.M. Edmunds, Commissioner of the Land Office;

John Lanahan/B.H. Nadal to President Andrew Johnson;

Memo by J.M. Edmonds, Commissioner General of the Land Office;

And, memo from President Andrew Johnson.]

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