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Transcribed report on the activities of the Indian Manual Labor School Thomas Johnson, Superintendent Manual Labor School to Luke Lea, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City dated Oct 2, 1850


F.[ort] L.[eavenworth] Ind. M.L. School
October 2, 1850

Dear Sir

   In compliance with instructions I herewith make my third quarterly report for the current year of the condition of the Indian Manual Labor School under my charge.

   The number of scholars in attendance at this Institution during this quarter, ending 30th Sept. was fifty five. Thirty one females and twenty four males+ from the following tribes.

Shawnees 26
Ottawas 15
Pottawattomies 5
Wyandottes 3
Delawares 3
Peorias 1
Omahas 1
Choctaws 1
Total 55

   I believe the school has been as full as usual at the same time of the year,+ we expect as soon as the weather gets a little colder,+ they begin to feel the want of winter clothing, that our school will be filled up. We have a promise from the Delawares that their children shall be brought in before cold weather.

   The health of the Institution continues good+ we have raised tolerably fair crops in this neighborhood.

   As there have been no special changes in our business, I deem it unnecessary to add anything more.

   Accompanying this Report you will receive my account of disbursements for this quarter with vouchers.

I have the honor to be, dear Sir,
Your obt. servt.
Thomas Johnson Supt.
F.L. Ind M.L. School

Hon Luke Lee[sic]
Comr. Ind. Affairs
Washington City


[Transcribed from microfilm roll MS981 frames 250-251 in the collections of the Kansas State Historical Society, (National Archives Microfilm Series M234, roll785) by Roger Berg Jr., May, 1991.]

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