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  5. Report-1852, September 1

Thomas Moseley, Indian. Agent for the Kansas agency to Col. D.D. Mitchell, Supt. or Indian Affairs.


Sep. 1, 1852

   The Shawnee Methodist manual labor school, under the superintendency of Rev. Thomas Johnson, is one on a large scale, compared with any other in the tribe; the number of children attending varying from 80 to 106 in the year. I attended, in June last, the annual examination of this school, and the result of the examination was truly highly satisfactory to all. The children acquitted themselves in a manner that showed they had been taught and managed by competent hands, and had improved well their time at school. The higher class were learning geography, English grammar, arithmetic, &c. the other classes were in the elementary branches—writing, vocal music &c. The teacher of this school. in the male department, seemed to be well qualified for his station, and I would be doing injustice to the ladies engaged as teachers in the female department, not to say they were every way qualified for their vocations, and well deserve the approbation of all, for the motherly care manifested for the children, not only in school, but in their care and watchfulness over them at all times, whilst at the mission.


[Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1851, 1852, p. 358.]

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